Hello lovelies! Sorry for that break in the ABC Challenge but I'm back! :D And wahoo for some fun inspiration. ;) Today I have for you some hibiscus flower nail art for letter "H". Some gals on Instagram suggested Hawaii themed nails so I decided it was time to pull out the hibiscus. ;) Oh, and I take back my hello. I should say Aloha! :D
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
H is for Hibiscus
ABC Challenge 2013
floral nails
summer nails
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Nails I DID Wear To The Wedding
This is going to be a short post because I'm exhausted. XD But I promised to show you what I did end up wearing to that wedding so here it is. ;)
We have Glistening Snow by China Glaze topped with Santa's Magic by Finger Paints. It is a magical combination! It looks like just a crap ton of glitter but in the sun, it was like having diamonds on your fingertips! :) Santa's Magic and Glistening Snow are both holographic silver glitter polishes so I just wanted to deck out my nails! On the dance floor and in the sun they dazzled.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Nails I Did NOT Wear To The Wedding
I know I'm taking a short break from the ABC Nail Challenge but don't worry, I have a ton of great ideas for the next few letters. ;) I've been talking a lot about the wedding and I'm sorry but I'm just so excited! I love this couple and their entire family -- we've been friends for a LONG time. :) They couple has been together for TEN years so it's about time for them to get hitched. ;) Yesterday I helped set up and I'll be helping today too we got to look good. xD I was trying to have my manicure match my outfit for today but it just wasn't working... I still LOVE this glitter gradient though! It just seemed too much like fall and I wanted something more summer-y for tonight's mani. I'll show you my outfit tomorrow and what I ended up having on my nails. But let's take a quick look at this reverse glitter gradient (or as some call it, a mermaid mani).
Friday, July 26, 2013
Bio Seaweed Gel Review
Hello, hello! Today I have for you a in depth review on Bio Seaweed Gel. I was intending to do this review next week but because of the wedding that I'm attending tomorrow (YIPEE! :D) I decided that it was time to take the gel polish off and have a clean mani (with no signs of growth haha.. it shall be explained later). So if you're interested in learning more about Bio Seaweed Gel Polish (or just about gel polish in general), this review is for you! *WARNING* This is a very extensive review -- it's made for people who are truly interested in gel polish.
I am wearing Strawberry Kiss (#117) by BSG. It's one of their UNITY All-In-One Colour Gel Polish and I'll be basing my entire review off of this.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
G is for Giraffe
Hey everyone! Sorry for taking a while to do G. I've felt so uninspired lately and I have to admit that this week has been a bad week. Hopefully it's going to get better though because tomorrow I'm going to be preparing to help with a family friends' wedding! HURRAY! :D The couple has been going out for a LONG time (10 years long ;)) so it's high time for them to get married! I'm so excited. :) So for today's ABC Challenge, I am bringing you G is for Giraffe! If you're interested in seeing a before and after shot of my giraffes in December vs. now, keep reading. ;) I've grown a lot in 6 months!
ABC Challenge 2013
animal nails
animal print
mini tutorial
Monday, July 22, 2013
F is for Fire
F is for Fire. Yes! It's finally time to redeem myself from those silly elephant nails. For today's challenge I have some awesome fire nails! I actually have a tutorial for these if you're interested so keep reading! :)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sorry... Calendar's Full by Sephora
You all should know by now that I ADORE pink polishes. And to be honest, pink isn't even my favorite color! (Orange, lime green, and turquoise are my favorite colors. ;) Just saying.) Pink just looks good on any skin tone and you can have an endless amount of pink shades. In fact, pink is the most popular polish color in my collection, standing 13 bottles strong. xD Yes. ALL are different shades. ;) I have the prettiest pale shades all the way to the extremely bright.
Anyway, there is my little story about how pink takes over my life. So today I have for you one of my newest pink polishes that I bought during my adventures in Minnesota. This is Sorry... Calendar's Full by Sephora! By the way, this swatch was take about a week ago... ;) I knew that I was going to have gel polish on my nails for about 2 weeks so I prepared swatches beforehand. Basically this just means most of my nail art has actually had that pink (go figure) gel polish underneath while this swatch, I assure you, is a real swatch and NOTHING is keeping it from it's true color. "Me got no undies!" it says. ;) Keep reading for some more gorgeous pictures of this color! <3
Saturday, July 20, 2013
E is for Elephants
E is for Elephants. I finally got some feedback on Instagram on what my next manicure should be. Elephants were highly asked for so I decided to go with the crowd! Yeah.. BAD CHOICE. *WARNING* I stink at drawing animals. :/ So I won't be offended if you guys can't tell what these are but you asked for it. xD Literally. Take a look at my 'elephants'.
Friday, July 19, 2013
D is for Dinosaurs
Thursday, July 18, 2013
C is for Colorblock
And "C" was really hard to decide what to do for this ABC Nail Challenge. xD I didn't know if I wanted to do cut-out nails, chevrons, or color blocking. Let's just say I had to try multiple times to get a decent result. :p "C" just wasn't my day haha! Well, it looks like I finally decided on color blocking. ;) Hurray! I actually like these so much I'll probably keep them on for a couple days.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
B is for Bunny
For today's ABC Nail Challenge, I have some adorable bunny nails! :D I didn't get to do many Easter nails this year because I was busy but we can say this is an example of an Easter mani. (Keep in mind though that I have a different opinion of what Easter is all about! It's not about rabbits, eggs, or chocolate for me. It's John 3:16). But anyway, bunny nails are adorable in any occasion. :) Keep reading for my bunny tutorial!
ABC Challenge 2013
animal nails
Easter nails
holiday nails
mini tutorial
Monday, July 15, 2013
A is for Aztec
Sometimes challenges are a good thing.. They force you to think. Last year I tried to complete the 31 day challenge but failed epically because I felt too confined. Ahhh! But you all know that I love a good challenge. ;) So instead, this year I decided that I'm going to do the ABC Nail Challenge. That's right. For each post, I'm going to do something that begins with a letter of the alphabet. :) And no, I'm not this original to think of this by myself. xD I was inspired to do this by Rachel of Rewdoesnails and @atxlacquerista on Instagram. :) I probably won't be doing a new post everyday (because I still gotta have some fun with swatches and such ;)) but I will go in order with my ABC's. :) Hopefully this challenge will be lot more successful than my other.. I have a feeling it will though! ;)
So phew! Now that I've explained what the ABC Nail Challenge is, lets see what I came up with today. A is for Aztec nails. :)
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Age of Aquarius by Color Club
Hey! I'm finally back for Sunday Swatch :) I'm so sorry about the whole delay but I have swatched a color that was one of the favorites from after my last ombre mani. ;) Say hello to Age of Aquarius by Color Club! <3 This polish is another one of my favorites. ;)
Friday, July 12, 2013
She Sells Sea Shells
She sells sea shells down by the sea shore. ;) I had to say this so slowly while typing this just to make sure that I wrote the words right. xD So as you may have guessed, I have some sea shells nails that were inspired by Coewless Polish! You can check out her original manicure here. :)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I'm Bringing Sexy Back!
Ay! I'm bringing sexy back.. Yeah! Them other girls don't know what nails to make.. ay! You should all be singing that to Justin Timerberlake's song "Sexy Back". ;) So what exactly am I bringing back? Well.. Caviar nails of course! I know that this was a huge fad back in 2012 so it's finally time for me to take a try at it. I haven't really seen micro bead nails for a while so this is me being finally jumping on the bandwagon (the bandwagon that's been out of order for like months hahaha!)
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Mario Mushroom Nails
It's Marioooooooooooo! (You better be saying it in that Mario voice guys!) ;) Actually, no. This isn't Mario and I apologize for lying. It's actually Mario mushrooms! :D It's been so long since I've done some nail art so this is what you all get. Emily (IG@Blueemster) and I finally decided to do our collab (the one that we've came up with months ago but were too busy to actually do until now!). So this is what I came up with. Keep reading to see hers. ;)
Monday, July 8, 2013
Glossy Glam Review
Have you ever been in the situation where you just can't find the perfect topcoat? I've come to the point where the only topcoat I use is Seche Vite (SV) because it dries quickly and makes my nails super shiny. Just one major problem that SV causes is that it sometimes shrinks the polish (and therefore looks like you didn't paint the entire nail even though you swore you did!) or creates little air bubbles when it dries. :p Long story short, even though I use SV most of the time, it has some ups and downs like all polishes. But, if you're like me and you love a great glossy topcoat and don't want the shrinkage, then you really should look at Glossy Glam Topcoat by Ricarda. ;) Although I hope that you keep on reading the entire review, let's just start off by saying that it does everything that SV can do but WITHOUT shrinking your nail polish when it dries.
Quick before and after -- As you can see, Glossy Glam is just as shiny as SV.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Incoco Review
Hey everyone! I have a TREAT to show you all today. I was sent some Incoco Nail Strips to review for you all so take a look below at how they turned and then keep reading to learn more about them. ;) Let's just say this is the first time I've used "nail stickers" (these are technically called appliques) and I hate it when people claim my nails are stickers, but these are freaking fantastic and I'm proud to wear them! :D
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Happy Fourth!
Happy Fourth of July everyone! I'm so sorry that my posts are short and not as well developed as I want them to be but you gotta remember that it's summer break and I'm on vacation with the family/I haven't been back home for the last week and a half. Soooo! This is my super quick 4th of July mani that I did using ONLY Fireworks & Freedom by Laquerlicious and a clear top coat just for the shine. ;) You can by Fireworks & Freedom for only $5 right now so get it before it's gone. ;) Check out THIS blog post for more pictures by the way. ;) Anyway! So here is my patriotic glitter gradient mani. :)
glitter nails
gradient nails
holiday nails
Monday, July 1, 2013
Monarch Wing Nails
And I'm back! Just kidding... I'm not done yet. >.< But I finally got back from an AMAZING camp where I met some fantastic people. ;) I'm so sorry that I had to skip out on Sunday Swatch last week. :/ I only had 1 full day to stay home and relax until I left for Minnesota. (And by relax I truly do mean repacking and doing laundry...) Oh well, I happened to do a quick mani since I had those neon tribal nails on for TWO WEEKS. So here is a quickie post real fast of the nails that I decided to do for fun before I left for Minnesota. ;) (And note: I did my nails 2 more times after this because won't be home for yet ANOTHER week). But hey! Butterfly wing nails! :D (Plus a mini tutorial).
butterfly wing nails
mini tutorial
sally hansen
spring nails
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