I did NOT want to skip out on my swatch for Sunday's Swatch but I still haven't taken off my neon tribal nails that I did yesterday. ;) I didn't have enough time to ask in a guest blogger (shame on me) but I decided to just use the next best thing -- pictures of a swatch that I never had time to post. Perfect! Haha, so say hello to I'm With The Lifeguard (IMTL) by China Glaze. This is an AMAZING green neon polish that you all need in your lives. ;) I have NO undies underneath (like no white), this is just 4 plain coats of IMTL with Seche Vite on top. Many neon polishes tend to dry matte and need several THIN coats. :)
Sunday, June 23, 2013
I'm With The Lifeguard by China Glaze
china glaze
saran wrap nails
Sunday Swatch
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Neon Tribal
You guys aren't going to believe this... I've had this mani on for FOUR days and I won't be taking it off any time soon. :( I mean, I love it and all.. but I feel so nail art deprived! Would you like to take a look at one of my favorite manicure I've created so far? ;) I thought so. Keep reading for a HUUUGE picture spam!
P.S. I also did my right hand. ;) (I am right handed so yes, I did it with my non-dominant hand! :D)
gradient nails
summer nails
tribal nails
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Glitter Gradient Tutorial
I. Am. Officially. Out. Of. School. [for the summer ;)] Yaaaaaaaay! I am so relieved! Now I just have to get done with the rest of this busy week and on Friday, I will once again be very happy ;) So what do I have for you today? Oh just a really simple nail glitter gradient tutorial using pink polish. (Don't judge. I have a ton of pink nail polishes!) So take a look at my completed glitter gradient nails to see if you want to learn how to make your own! ;)
glitter nails
gradient nails
mini tutorial
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Mint Sorbet by Sally Hansen
Happy Father's Day guys! :D (I don't think that many men are out their reading a nail blog, haha.. but I know a few. ;)) But I'd also like to say happy day to all those women out their that have kids and are raising them single-handed -- hence playing the man's role AND woman's. Basically kudos to all of you that have kids and love and raise them! <3
Today I have for you probably one of my favorite polishes of ALL times. It's honestly an all time classic and you're going to need to by this if you're looking for the perfect mint green. Say hello to Mint Sorbet by Sally Hansen for this week's Sunday Swatch.
sally hansen
Sunday Swatch
Friday, June 14, 2013
Laquerlicious: July 4th, 1776
Is it really the middle of June?! Sheesh.. Can you believe that July is only a couple of weeks away? Tehehe.. there is one woman that is actually planning ahead. ;) Michelle, the maker Laquerlicious polish, has created yet ANOTHER fabulous collection made specifically for the 4th of July! Today I'm going to show off Fireworks & Freedom and America's Birthday from this collection. Keep reading to take a look at these totally unique polishes! ;) You're going to need them for YOUR 4th of July.
indie polish
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Fan Brush Striped Nails
Hey, hey! Short blog post today but I'm really excited with all these new techniques that I've been trying recently! Today I have for you the Fan Brush Striped nails. :) I wanted to make a tutorial for you all but just didn't have time plus it was only my first time trying. xD ;) I am LOVING the results though! If you want to learn how to make your own fan brush striped nails, you need to check out SimpleNailArtDesigns' (on YouTube) tutorial here! Keep reading to see how my entire mani turned out. ;)
Here is how my nails looked after each new layer. The first is pink, the second I added orange, and finally finished with green.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Ombre Stripes
Moooohaha! I love recycling manicures. :) (When you add a design or something more to the last design you had so that you don't HAVE to take it off just quite yet!) So I just added some awesome stripes to that ombre mani I had on yesterday. :) It's my first time using striping tape so please don't make fun. XD I do really like how it turned out though! Wait... what is striping tape? :O Keep reading for more info! ;)
mini tutorial
ombre nails
striping tape
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Ombre Nails
I've noticed that the last few posts have had pink nail or purple polish involved... I swear I'm not usually that "girly-girl" but goodness! Pink polish is probably one of my favorite things. ;) So I decided I HAD to do something with no pink polish.. Do you know how hard this is?! It was crazy. So I decided to go with blue. :D And yeah, I couldn't figure out what blue to choose so I picked 5, hehe. Say hello to my super simple ombre nails! These are NOT gradient xD Trust me on this. Keep reading for more pics and my quick explanation on ombre versus gradient nails. :)
color club
ombre nails
sinful colors
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Spit Fire by Pure Ice
I am not bailing on this trend of Sunday's Swatch! I actually love doing this post a LOT because sometimes I put on a color, take photos, and just ain't feeling it for nail art so I end up taking it off.. XD So I have a ton of swatches and it's just a matter of hmmm.. which one do I show this week? Well, in this case I decided to go with Spit Fire by Pure Ice! (I don't know what my whole obsession with pink has been... It's INSANE. Everything I've done has pink in it the last few manis.. Meh! Showing you all my girly side. :)) So let's take a look at some swatch spam and maybe a little diamond nail art tutorial..? ;)
glitter nails
mini tutorial
pure ice
Sunday Swatch
Friday, June 7, 2013
Happy Birthday Amanda!
Eeeek! Blogging definitely has it's ups and downs. A major "up" in my opinion is the people that you can meet that have the same interests as you! A lot of my friends and family know that I am obsessed with nail art, especially since I bombard their Facebook feeds with a nail photo every week or so, but not many of them try out nail art or are as apt about it a I am. When I entered the blogging world and Instagram, I was so surprised that there were others out there that also strived to become an artist on their nails! It's so great to get into conversations with people that are interested in the next nail polish collection or new tips and techniques to try next.
I want to dedicate this post to one of my Instagram (IG) besties, @painted_nails_ :) She is so stinking sweet and funny and of course I love her nails! It's been crazy watching us both grow and improve our nail art. And of course, today is a special day for her -- it's the day of her birth! :D Also known as... the birthday. :O So yeah. I painted my nails just for her but was stupid and used a pink base and then used PINK colors AFTER I figured out that she's not too girly... Sorry Amanda.. You're just going to HAVE to like the colors! But here ya go girl! I tried hard. ;) Just kidding... they're not my best! :O
birthday nails
holiday nails
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Flowers & Stripes
Tehehe.. I love it when you have those days when your nail art not only turns out, but also turns out better than expected! <3 So today I'd like to show you my flower and stripe nails I did last night. :) I was super excited to get photos this morning! I was inspired by @selenadee_nails on Instagram who was inspired by Mod Nails. ;) I definitely changed up the original look but I love they way they did flowers with black and white stripes. :D Keep reading for more photo spam and figure out what polishes I used!
floral nails
pure ice
wet n wild
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Penguin Mini Tutorial
It's crazy having so much free time! Actually, it's not even free time... I am busy, busy, BUSY with getting my senior project done along with getting caught up again with my online PE class. (Haha, yeah, let's not question about the online PE. I need to start writing my papers because they're due next week! XD) But for the first time since who knows when (okay, probably like December), I am finally practically stress free! :D It's crazy insane, I know, but seriously. I am as chill as a cucumber now and I'm excited to show you all how to create your own penguin manicure!
Not the best picture of how my penguins turned out but let's just say I hated them so much that I took them off right after I finished them... ;) They looked good in real life! I was just stupid and gave them neon bowties so when I actually took photos of them, the bowties don't really show up that well. So sorry! :/
Monday, June 3, 2013
Bow Tutorial
I was a busy little bee yesterday. ;) Not only did I create a Sunday Swatch post for yesterday, I also came up with my first blog GUEST blog post. :D (Where I help a fellow blogger out and take over their blog for just a day. ;)) Check out what I did at Lou's fabulous blog Tips and Topcoats right HERE. You'll find all the instructions on how to make cute little bow nails for yourself. ;)
Just for a teaser..
Yup! This is all you get! ;) Check out more at Lou's blog for more details. I'm sorry I'm so tricky. xD
Your Polish Pal,
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Let's Talk by Sinful Colors
Hey gals! Imagine you just bought a brand new complete collection of nail polish *cough cough, Color Club Halos cough cough* and swatched ALL the colors and discovered that you were in love with everyone of them. Yes. That happy, bubbly feeling is there, right? Well that's how great I feel after yesterday -- took my first SAT! I am so glad to be done! Only one thing left on my list. ;) So now I finally have time to post some nails! Yipee! :D
It's the end of the weekend sadly, but I've decided to try to post every Sunday with showing off one polish. ;) We're going to call it Sunday's Swatch and hopefully I'll be able to do it every week! So let's get this week started. :)
So for this week's Sunday Swatch, I am wearing Let's Talk by Sinful Colors! Keep reading for more pictures and details. :)
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