Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fishtail Nails, Anyone?

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! ;D I love taking all of my classes in college because semester classes are so much more fun than taking classes for a whole year (like in high school). That way, every few months, you have the joy have meeting new people and having different professors. ;) And yup, I hope this can explain why I have been so absent lately... I'll continue explaining later but hey! I have so super awesome fishtail nails (aka braided nails) that I did! Keep reading for more pictures and info. :)

Yeah so I finally got to try this whole fishtail mani again! It's been over a year since my last attempt... >.< I am so bad at doing this the traditional way (by using polishes and layering each color on top of each other) so instead I 'cheated' and drew the outlines in black and just filled in with colors! xD
But HEY! It works huh? Here is a couple shots of my nails without the new nail studs! (I have always wanted nail studs so this makes me SO excited that I got the courage to buy some myself :))
Yay! More shots of my fishtail nails. :) Oh, along with cheating.. I used all acrylic paint for this mani. None of it is nail polish... ;)
This is what the container of nail studs look like. I did indeed buy this with my OWN MONEY from the :) I heard horrible stories about people's experiences with this company but mine was great! I got all my items in perfect condition in like 2 weeks! I was so surprised! (They're from Hong Kong so people were complaining it takes like 3 months... :/)
I just secured the nail studs with a little bit of nail glue and they stayed on all day but I took them off when I took off this fishtail mani.
And quickie thumb shot because I love the colors I used. :)
Okay, sorry, I had to do this entire post in less than 30 minutes (including a quick editing of photos) because I'm on such a busy schedule. I know you don't really care too much about your Polish Pal's life but I do owe everyone a quick explanation on why I can't post more than once or twice a week for the next few weeks; basically I need to graduate from high school but this is me trying to finish everything required from the high school while doing FULL TIME COLLEGE (through the Running Start Program). I am taking 5 college classes (yes, at a university) so trying to do 20+ hours of homework a week for my classes ALONG WITH doing scholarships and senior stuff, this makes my life so hectic... I kind of just want to sit down and cry (oops.. I guess I already do sometimes xD) but  I just need to finish the last bit of high school stuff (like senior paper) and more scholarships, and I promise you I will be posting every few days again. I miss doing my nails so much! </3 Anyway, here is my random vent but just an FYI everyone. :) On a brighter note, I've been accepted to my top college choices for next year. xD Now... who's going to give me the most money is the question. ;) Okay! My 30 minutes spent on blogging is up, now I must go back to homework!!
Thank you all for sticking with me! <3
Your Polish Pal,